Get unlimited access to every Beachbody program on Beachbody On Demand, including all new releases. There's nothing more to buy, and nothing new that won't be included. With this Challenge Pack, you get 24/7 streaming access on your smartphone, laptop, tablet or TV, anywhere you have internet access. Instantly stream every single workout for popular new hits like the line-dancing inspired Country Heat®, the mixed-martial arts inspired Core De Force®, plus our full library of proven fitness programs like 21 Day Fix EXTREME®, INSANITY® MAX:30, 3 Week Yoga Retreat and more. Plus, you'll get a 30-day supply of Shakeology that helps support healthy energy levels and reduce cravings, to get the best results possible, even faster.
I love Beachbody On Demand because you do not have to continually purchase new programs every time that you finish one. It allows you to pay a 1 year membership and you have access to every single fitness program that Beachbody has ever released plus all new releases for an entire year!
As a Coach I see customers all the time who complete 21 days of the 21 Day Fix and then just fall off the wagon because they don’t know what they want to do next. Beachbody On Demand solves that down time in the process of deciding what is next. Plus you have all of the nutrition tips, program manuals, schedule of workouts listed on your Beachbody Page. When you have me as a coach you also get access into my monthly support and accountability groups which I run monthly.
I will help you set realistic goals for your lifestyle and then choose a program that fits your needs. Every person in the group replaces 1 meal a day with Shakeology and then checks into the group daily to log your workouts, Shakeology/Food.
I provide you with daily support, motivation, accountability, tips, recipes, meal planning and more. My job is to make sure that this is the VERY BEST $160 YOU HAVE EVER INVESTED IN!!! No more throwing money away, it’s time to get results that truly become a healthy lifestyle forever!!!
Does that sound like something you would like to do?
Fill out the application HERE if you are interested in a spot in my next group!
Looking for daily motivation, inspiration, clean eating recipes and fitness tips
Are looking for a coach, friend, someone to relate to YOUR struggles, celebrate your victories and overall SUPPORT your journey????
I'd love to add you to my next challenge group!