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I survived the 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse

Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse is said to help you kick start your weighloss when stuck in an irritating plateau. This was the statement that stood out to me, because here I was completing my second round of 21 day fix extreme and stuck between 127-128 pounds. In my research I found that most who complete the 3-Day Cleanse reported a 3-8 pounds lose, geesh I would love a 3-8 pound weight lose. This was an option to quickly drop pounds in a safe and healthy way while removing toxins, reduce bloating from water weight and get my system recharged... so what did I have to lose, well hopefully only pounds!

Day 1 - Honestly it seemed so hard, by 10:30 am I had already taken in 2 of my 3 shakes and a piece of fruit. Ugh, how was I ever going to make it? This was definetley a day where I had to impliment mind over matter, I had 3 cups of hot green tea and more water than needed. I was determined to make it. I did too, by my 4pm shake I found the hunger subsided and that loud grumbling coming from my belly that left me stadning feet away from coworkers was gone, that 4pm shake was delicious and the salad that followed even more so!

Day 2 - The scale on day 2 was kind, 2 pounds down - whoop whoop! This number was motivation enought for me to push through day 2. Not going to lie, I was still hungry, but not so hungry that if you walked by me with food I may have eaten your hand off. Instead I felt mildly hungry until I had my first shake and the rest of the day I was energized and really pumped that I was half way through.

Day 3 - The morning of day I was down to 125, I was no longer hungry and those shakes were so satisfyling to me. I still had tons of energy this surprised me the most since the calories were low. During this time there were 3 of my fellow challenge group members also doing the cleanse - our days first few days were filled with funny texts to eachother about how we almost ate the scented candles on our desk but by day 3 we were all felling great! Not to mention the other two girls lost 6 and 8 pounds!

I was almost nervous to eat once the cleanse was over as if all my hard work would be erased once I ate food that required chewing, but I was happy to report that the weight loss stuck!

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My Journey of Discovery
and Weight Loss

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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