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June Challenge Groups Now Open

30-Day “Goal Crushers” Challenge Group

Summer is here and I am excited to be part of a new Challenge group starting June 1st. This group will not only be focusing on fitness but also how to help you live up to your potential while helping you to set and CRUSH both your physical and personal goals. During this 30 day group coaches will be providing daily assignments to help you stay motivated and get you moving toward the things you really want in life.

If you’re interested in participating in the 30-Day Challenge with Beach Ready Now, please email me or message me on Facebook so I can learn more about you and see which program is right for you if you’re not sure. Starts 6/1 and 6/22. Space is limited so I can give each challenger personalized attention.

30 Day "BUTT & THIGH"

This challenge will run daily in June. Open to all clients of Beach Ready Now coaches. Ask your coach to approve your membership in the group!

If you’re interested in participating in the Butt & Thigh Challenge with Beach Ready Now, please email me or message me on Facebook. Starts 6/1 Space is limited so I can give each challenger personalized attention.

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My Journey of Discovery
and Weight Loss

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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