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We Skate Wednesdays!

♫ When I hear music it makes me dance ♫ Sang in my best Debbie Dee voice! As a child growing up in the 90's rollerskating was what we did, it was what we loved. Now as a mom I am lucky to be able to share one of my favorite activies with my girls!

It truly has become one of my families favorite things to do! We go every Wednesday or I should say we go every Wednesday when homework, track practice, gymnastics or any of the other many activities my children are into don't take up the day.

For us it is a great way to spend time together and it is a way to sneak in fun exercises for the the whole family!

Here are some interesting facts about Rollerskating I found in my web search!

Roller skating is ranked among the best aerobic exercises according to the American Heart Association and the President’s Council on Physical Fitness. Roller skating is a workout that involves almost all of the body’s muscles and in particular the heart. The National Institute for Fitness and Sports claims that roller skating works most of the major muscle groups – glutes, quads (no pun intended), abdomen, calves and arms. The AHA proclaims that roller skating is equivalent to bicycling and jogging as a cardio workout.

Why not give it a try and see if it is something your family can do together? Not only can your family benefit from a little quality bonding but you will also be strenghting your muscles especially your heart!

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