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Cize -The End of Exercise Coming Soon!

The Internet and Beachbody community is going crazy in anticipation for Shaun T's new program. They say "It’s the End of Exercize as we know it!" CIZE is a 4-week dance fitness program that is supposed to be super fun and so much so that you’ll forget you were working out. ‪#‎CizeItup‬

I am not sure anyone ever forgets they are working out, but heck if it's fun - it makes it even more worth it! I have Beachbody on Demand and was able to preview one of the workouts. I thought it was going to be harder and while I am not the most coordinated I was able to keep up - I even broke a sweat!

Right not they are offering a chance to win a FREE COPY if you just enter your email, they will also notify you when it officially becomes available. I love 21DF / 21DFX but also like to mix things up a bit so this program has potential!

Here is the official information on the program:

Tired of squats, lunges, push-ups, and boring cardio? Then pay attention because you're about to look forward to working out! Shaun T goes back to his dancing roots and makes losing weight an "experience." You'll be LIVIN' and SWEATIN' to hot new moves and great music!

And if you think you can't dance, don't worry. Shaun breaks down the routines, step-by-step, move-by-move, and builds them into a full dance combo. And at the end, you'll get to CIZE IT UP to songs from Shaun's playlist. You'll be so focused on mastering the moves that for 35–40 minutes minutes you'll forget you're actually burning fat and calories, and getting in the best shape of your life.

Click picture below and it will take you to site to enter contest.

If you are interested in trying out - you can also sign up for Beachbody On Demand and stream Cize and a ton of other awesome Body Programs Here:

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My Journey of Discovery
and Weight Loss

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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