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Compliments sure do make a girl feel good!

This weekend was amazing, I attended a middle school friends wedding in beautiful Newport Rhode Island, the weather was beautiful, the surroundings where beautiful and to be honest I was beautiful! Well at least I felt that way - both inside and out! I received so many compliments from people I have known most of my life, people who have seen me from from 100- 200 pounds, people who loved me anyway. The only problem was I had no love for myself and after having 2 kids I wasn't sure I would ever feel good in my skin again... I didn't put out there those photos of me at 200 pounds, most of them are head shots anyway! I avoided events and kept closed off from all the people who loved me!

Four months ago I decided that 35 was fast approaching and I wanted to change, I needed to change, to be the an example for my girls, to take control of what I could. Four months ago I decided to get healthy and fit and have not looked back since...I have worked hard for it and with every compliment I know that my only regret was that I didn't do it sooner!

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My Journey of Discovery
and Weight Loss

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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