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Creamy Chicken Salad - Fixate Recipe


3 Cups chopped Rotisserie Chicken breast, skinless 1/2 cup chopped green apple 1/2 seedless grapes, cut in half 1/3 cup sliced raw almonds 2 Green onions sliced 2 Tbs chopped fresh tarragon 1/4 honey mustard dressing (see below)


Combine chicken, apples, grapes, almonds, green onions, tarragon and honey mustard dressing in a large bowl, mix well. Refrigerate, covered for atleast 2 hours.

Serves 4 - (1 & 1/4 Cup each)

Autumn serves it over a bed of romaine lettuce in her

cookbook, for me I served it with a salad of greens and in a whole grain smart pocket. I thought it was delicious especially because 21 Day fix chicken salad recipes usually just mix it with greek yogurt and I am not a fan, however this Honey Mustard dressing is super yummy! Next time I would add a little less tarragon because a little goes a long way!

21 Day Fix Container Count

1 Red - 1/2 Purple - 1/2 Blue - 1/2 Orange - 1 Yellow

Honey Mustard Salad Dressing

1/2 Cup Reduced Fat plain greek yogurt (2%)

3 Tbsp Dijon Mustard

3 Tbsp Rae Honey

3 Tbsp Rice Vinegar

1/4 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Combine all ingredients except the oil and mix well, slowly add oil whisking constantly until well blended.-- Serves 8 - 2Tsp. Each

21 Day Fix Container Count

1 Orange

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