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Autumn's Exclusive Workouts

Do you have On Demand? Autumn has 3 workouts that are exclusive to Beachbody On Demand along with videos from Sagi & Tony Horton that you can't see anywhere else.

Beachbody is offering 30 day free trial...

Here’s a link for a 30-Day Trial!!! If you don’t have a coach, I will become your FREE COACH.

**You will be asked to enter your credit card to activate the free trial. If you don’t want to keep it beyond the 30 days, make sure you cancel. Set an alarm or reminder on your phone so you won’t forget. Though you may just decide you really love it and it is totally worth $2.99 per week! Especially considering you get 10% off all purchases!

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My Journey of Discovery
and Weight Loss

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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