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Superfood Spotlight - Moringa

Photo Source: Wikimedia

So many times people say, "Shakeology is so expensive for a "protein shake." This by far is the number one reason most people are hesitant to give it a try, believe me I felt the same way too - that was until I researched it. Shakeology is more than just a protein shake it is - A SUPER FOOD SHAKE - an incredible, nutrient-dense shake comprised of some of the most amazing, healthy, and potent super foods on the planet.

Today I am spotlighting Moringa.... Also known as the "miracle tree" Moringa has small, rounded leaves that are packed with an incredible amount of nutrition: protein, calcium, beta carotene, vitamin C, potassium… you name it, moringa’s got it. No wonder it’s been used medicinally (and as a food source) for nearly 4,000 years.... Moringa is known to promote energy, vitality, athletic performance and weight loss while also promoting a healthy immune system to keep you super healthy.

Read even more about the science and benefits of this superfood ingredient from the creator of Shakeology himself - Darin Olien - HERE

Shakeology has 70+ healthy ingredients from whole food sources (including anti-oxidants, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, vitamins, and minerals). If you were to try and match the benefits and nutritional content of Shakeology, you would easily spend over $300 every month—that’s two and half times the cost of Shakeology!

When you really look at it there is lots of VALUE in that $4 shake and as a busy mom, who previously skipped breakfast (you know the most important meal of the day) - I am now able to have a quick nutritious shake every single day.

Want More information? Click to Learn More. OR, just reach out to me with your questions.

Are you a fellow Shake-O lover? Are you thinking about starting? Want to try a sample week? Contact me today to learn how to get started including WAYS TO SAVE and I will get back to you ASAP!

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A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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