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7 Day Clean Eating Crockpot Group

Did you know that just one week of putting real whole food in your body can change everything. Your mood, Your aches and pains, Your sleep habits, your outlook on life.

Why not clear out your body before Christmas?

December is busy enough without having to worry about coming up with healthy meals. With this group, we’ll teach you some easy ways to plan ahead to make dinnertime easier using your crock pot. You’ll get 7 days of healthy crock pot recipes, a clean eating guide, a shopping list, seven days of accountability assignments and a participation prize will be awarded at the end.

I think you are all capable of eating clean for one week. I also think the way you feel at the end of the week will blow your mind.

If you are planning to change your lifestyle in 2016, this is the perfect first step. Life is all about balance. We all over do it on the Holidays so this is a great way to balance it out.

This is a FREE group and only requires you to set up a FREE account with me here:

Message me and I will get you added!

Join my Facebook Group for daily tips and motivation

Information on next challenge group HERE

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My Journey of Discovery
and Weight Loss

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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