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What's the Deal with Almond Milk? 21 Day Fix Treat vs Free?


There is lots of talk floating around the Internet about 21 Day Fix and whether unsweetened almond milk is classified as a yellow or free . Here are two videos of Autumn Calabrese telling her thoughts:

Here she says yes with only 30 calories and 1 gram of sugar in 8oz of unsweetened almond milk it's a freebie...

Whooo hooo - how exciting right!

Oh wait not so fast - here she says differently. Clearing up her previous statement and she now says 4oz is free every couple days.

So what's the deal? Officially, the book states that 8 oz of unsweetened almond milk is considered to be a yellow “cheat” (meaning you can have it three times a week in place of a container). Officially, that is still the designation. Autumn and a group of nutritionist created the nutrition guide and based it on macronutrients (proportions of proteins, fats, and carbs). So I think if you want the best results, stick to the book, that's why they made the plan.

If the plan isn't followed to a T then you can't expect the exact tested results. Will you see results? You bet you will. All of our bodies process different foods at different rates, so you'll just have to see how your body responds. For me, because this is a lifestyle and a I am ok with deviating from the plan a little, I will pretend I never saw video #2 and I will drink Almond milk everyday with my Shakeo and enjoy!

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