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Think about why you started and don't give up!

When I started with 21 day and my first challenge group I was looking to get healthy and fit. I was so focused on my physical transformation that I didn't even see realize what was happening on the inside! With my new found health and fitness I was becoming a happier, more confident person. After my first challenge group I became a "discount coach" after my second challenge group I realized how much life had changed for the better and decided I wanted to pay it forward. A big part of my why, why I became a coach, why I push play eveyday...... because I know what it's like to be overweight and unhappy and I know what's it like to push hard to change that and I want to help others do the same!

Who doesn't want to make positive changes in their life and help to impact those around them? Is this something you want to do? I would love for you to join my team! Together we can pay it forward and make a difference. Fill out an application here and together we can change the world!

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My Journey of Discovery
and Weight Loss

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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