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21 Day Fix / Extreme Container Tracking

Everyone has heard all about the 21 Day Fix

tracking app Beachbody recently released (if not click here) and if you are a "FIXER" and a smart phone user like me your excitement was hard to contain. I clicked through the link so quickly wanting to be one of the first to check it out, but to my disappointment the link only brought up the iTunes app store. No worries I am technically savvy and as an an android user, I open the play store up do a quick search and still nothing..... oh how sad, it was not available for my Samsung... So thanks to my two little girls and their love of jewelry I was able to rock a few of their jelly bracelets - color coded to match my containers!

I bought mine on Amazon back at Christmas time for my daughters at the time I bought them two different packages so I had all the colors I needed. I simply move them from one arm to the other when I have eaten that container. Pretty simple and also fun!

If you LOVE the FIX like I do and are looking to join a group of like-minded people all working towards the same goal - Join My Next Challenge Group Here

I have been so lucky to have the most supportive and relatable groups to help hold me accountable - we are not all FIT/ SKINNY CHICKS - we are moms that laugh - bitch (excuse my language) support , encourage and are all at different places in our journey but we all are there for each other!

Message me if you need support and want to chat!

Looking for daily motivation, inspiration, clean eating recipes and fitness tips ......


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My Journey of Discovery
and Weight Loss

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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