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Plan for success!

The key to your SUCCESS is planning. It is so important to make sure that you have a plan in place. I have found that when I have a meal plan taped to the fridge, the food in my fridge, and my food prepped I am more likely to stick to it! It’s so easy to wake up in the am and be late for work and still have to pack your lunch. We just throw our hands up and say we’ll just grab something for lunch! Then, you end up making poor choices, eat more calories than you were supposed to and then feel guilty for your decision. So let’s stop that right from the get go! It starts with having a plan!!!

Here are some tips to meal plan successfully:

1. Access your situation.

How many meals you need to plan for?

What is your schedule like, what do you have time for?

What is on sale?

What do you already have on hand? Make sure you use up any leftover ingredients

2. How will you track

Make sure you know how you are going to plan, will you use paper and pen? Chalkboard? White Board? I like to have a list of what we are eating for dinner on the fridge

3. Organize your Recipes If you don't have a system for your favorite recipes, you've got to get organized or sitting down to plan your meals at the beginning of the week will be a nightmare.

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My Journey of Discovery
and Weight Loss

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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