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Pursuit of Happiness Challenge Group

30 Days to a Happier You

Do you want to cultivate what is best within yourself, enhance how you experience love, work, and play, and truly FLOURISH? That’s what we will explore in our 30 Day Pursuit of Happiness Challenge. During our time together, we will be committing to clean eating, exercise and personal development. Assignments in this group will be based on Martin’s Seligman’s work in positive psychology. Suggested Reading: Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment

If you’re interested in participating in the 30-Day Challenge with Beach Ready Now, please fill out this application so I can learn more about you if I have not yet worked with you and see which program is right for you if you’re not sure. Space is limited so I can give each challenger personalized attention. Start date September 28th. A program and Shakeology is required.

  • Learned optimism

  • New methods of self-talk

  • Self-tests

  • Ways to incorporate happiness in everyday life

If you have participated in a group before, message me to be added. If you have not, please fill out this application so I can learn more about your individual, unique needs:

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My Journey of Discovery
and Weight Loss

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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