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How to take BEFORE & AFTER pics & measurements

Here are some helpful tips on how to get great before and after photos and measurements:


It is important to take the photos from many angles. A front view, side view, back view and at a twist. You can put your hands at your sides, on your hips, even flexing in the air! Just make sure that you have before/after photos in the same pose so Beachbody can see your transformation. Watch this video for more tips:​


Taking your body measurements before, during and after your fitness transformation are very important. Watch this video to learn how to take a simple set of of body measurements to help you track how far you've come with your fitness progress.

Here is a TRACKING SHEET to help you keep track.

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A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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