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“Hot for the Holidays” 30- Day Accountability Group

“Hot for the Holidays” 30-Day Accountability Group

The holidays can be the most challenging time of the year to stay on track with clean eating and diet. What if I told you that you’d be able to enjoy Thanksgiving, holiday parties and a few weekly cheats and STILL lose up to 15 pounds by Christmas? Our team of coaches will show you how! For this challenge, we will be following the 21 Day Fix plan which allows for cheats – so you don’t have to skip all the holiday goodies that you love. We’ll talk about:

  • How to schedule cheat meals so they don’t derail your progress

  • Healthy substitutions

  • How to avoid temptation

  • Scheduling healthy family meals when you’re busy

Our groups are run in a closed group setting (on Facebook). Depending on how much weight you’d like to lose, you could lose as much as 15 pounds in as little as three weeks. Containers help regulate portion control, here most people need help- without counting calories. It’s great for anyone looking to get back on track with eating, gaining control over food portions, while toning and losing inches. Plus, workouts are easy to fit into a busy schedule because they’re only 30 minutes long.

It’s a great program for the beginning and intermediate fitness levels, those wanting to shed at least 10 pounds or anyone simply looking for a good kick-start to a healthy lifestyle. If you follow the program, you will see results. I promise!

How Much Does a Challenge Group Cost?

There is no cost to participate in my challenge group. However, you will need to purchase a Challenge Pack (which are ON SALE in November) to have everything you need at home for the challenge as well as assign me as your coach. A Challenge Pack includes your workout DVDs, Menu Plans, and a month of Shakeology.

If this sounds like something you’d like to do, fill out an application. Spots are limited and filling up quickly.

(if you have participated in past challenge groups, email me at

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My Journey of Discovery
and Weight Loss

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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