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Bring on THE BEST in 2016: January Accountability Groups

In 2016, do you want to cultivate healthy habits that enhance how you experience love, work, and play, and truly help you truly FLOURISH? That’s what we will explore in our 30-Days BRING ON THE BEST. During our time together, we will be committing to clean eating, exercise and personal development. Assignments in this group will be based in creating new, positive habits that will have an amazing ripple effect in all areas of your life. If you’re interested in participating in the 30-Day Challenge with Hustle & Heart Fitness, please fill out this application so I can learn more about you, if I have not yet worked with you and see which program is right for you. Space is limited so I can give each challenger personalized attention.

REQUIREMENTS: A program and Shakeology or Performance Stack Preseason starts 12/28.

Workouts start 1/4.

Message me, for more info!


The first TEN people that sign up for the BRING ON THE BEST challenge group with a challenge pack purchase will be eligible for either a Better than Before book or a journal from me (pictured here). I just ordered my journal – I can’t wait to fill it out! I have lots of habits that I want to change in 2016. I truly want 2016 to be my best year ever.


If we have not worked together before - FILL OUT APPLICATION

Looking for daily motivation, inspiration, clean eating recipes and fitness tips ......

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My Journey of Discovery
and Weight Loss

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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