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Two new groups start on Monday

Are you finding it hard to stay on track this time of year? NO WORRIES! We’re here to help you out. This week we have TWO accountability groups starting – both specifically designed to help you stay healthy and active during the holidays.

7 Days of Clean Eating Crock Pot Meals

In this group, you’ll get 7 days of healthy

crock pot recipes, a clean eating guide, a shopping list, and a daily accountability assignment. A participation prize will be awarded at the end. Free to all my clients. Starts 12/7. Set up FREE account here:

Email me @ after and I will get you added.

21 Days of “FITmas” Challenge Group

During this group, you’ll have a daily assignment and check-in. Our team of coaches will provide tips, recipes, menu planning advice and encouragement along the way. Open to all of my clients who are doing a program like 21 Day Fix, Hammer and Chisel, PiYo, T25, etc. Shakeology not required. Starts 12/7.

Email me at to join.

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My Journey of Discovery
and Weight Loss

A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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